Why Spring Cleaning Your Wallet Can Save Money

A disorganized wallet makes it hard to find the things you need, so it’s a good idea to periodically get rid of crumpled business cards and faded receipts. With those things out of the way, you can look at the rest of your wallet’s contents with a more critical eye....

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Will Rental Housing Prices Drop in 2024?

An ongoing boom in apartment construction has helped slow down rental inflation — but renters shouldn’t expect prices to drop dramatically from their pandemic-padded highs. That means affordability will remain the dominant narrative in rental housing in 2024. The...

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Can You Afford Health Care in Retirement?

The investing information provided on this page is for educational purposes only.  At age 65, some couples may need as much as $413,000 to cover health care costs in retirement, according to a January report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute. That’s an...

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6 Ways to Spring Clean Your Bank Accounts

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your closets or attic. It can apply to your finances, too. Taking the time to do a deep clean of your spending and deposits can help ensure you’re using minimal effort throughout the year to meet your saving and budgeting goals. Here are...

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Savings Forecast: Are Rates Going Up or Down?

The highest savings interest rates today are around 5% — about 10 times what they were two years ago. The elevated bank yields have been good for savers. But will rates continue to climb? Or is this the year they start to fall? We can’t predict the future with 100%...

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5 Credit Card Trends to Watch for in 2024

While a recession never materialized in 2023, it was still a tough year financially. Interest rates and costs continued to climb, leaving many consumers turning to their credit cards — and taking on more debt — to make ends meet. According to NerdWallet’s 2023...

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6 Ways to Use a Tax Refund to Jump-start Financial Goals

The investing information provided on this page is for educational purposes only.  A tax refund can be an opportunity to advance financial goals, whether you need a shovel to dig your way out of debt or a launching pad to generate more income. The average tax refund...

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Should You Care About Your Partner’s Credit Score?

Discussing credit scores with your partner isn’t anyone’s idea of pillow talk. But the conversation can provide important clues about your beloved’s history with money and what your financial future together could look like. Why do credit scores matter, and are they...

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